4 Tips for a Child’s First Visit to a Pediatric Dentist

pediatric dentist Watertown, MA

Wondering if your child needs a pediatric dentist? While there are other types of dental professionals who also treat children, pediatric dentists are dental professionals who have decided that they want to focus on addressing dental needs in children. This means they have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide children with the optimal dental care they need in order to experience good oral health.

When is a child’s first dental appointment?

Learning when to take your child to a pediatric dentist is necessary. According to the American Dental Association, your child’s first dental visit should take place after that first tooth appears, but no later than the first birthday. While this may seem a little young, it really is necessary for children to have their teeth regularly checked in order to make sure that they are healthy and growing in as they are supposed to.

Four tips for a child’s first visit to a pediatric dentist

The list below includes four tips for parents who are getting ready to take their child to their first pediatric dental appointment.

#1 – Plan a meet and greet

When parents need to take their child in for their first dental appointment with a pediatric dentist, the first thing they need to do is schedule a meet and greet with the pediatric team. They will be introduced to the team and the dentist, as well as be given a tour of the office and the dental rooms. This allows children to feel more comfortable about going to the dental office, especially since there is no pressure during this first meeting.

#2 – Roleplay

Children love to role play, making it a good idea for parents to take turns with their children playing different roles. For example, the parent can first be the dentist and pretend to examine the child’s mouth, just like a dentist does. Then the child can pretend to be the dentist and examine their parent's mouth for any dental problems. Parents can expand their roleplay by focusing on playing the office staff and/or the dental technicians.

#3 – Timing is important

It is essential for parents to schedule an appointment at a time when a child has already eaten and is not in need of a nap. When children are hungry or tired, they are likely to be much less cooperative, which is completely understandable. This makes it necessary for parents to schedule their child’s first appointment at a time they think their child will be most cooperative, which is going to be different for every parent.

#4 – Prizes

Every child loves prizes, which is why so many dental offices to treat children have a box of prizes to offer them after their appointment. Parents can let their children know that if they behave themselves during their entire dental appointment, then they get to choose a special prize once their appointment is over. Also let them know that they will receive a free toothbrush so that they are sure to remove any plaque in their mouth that can cause problems.

Are you ready to make an appointment for your child today?

When you choose our pediatric dentist to be your child’s dentist, you can feel confident that they will be well taken care of. A pediatric dental team is one that knows how to deal with children in a way that makes them feel comfortable about going to the dentist, whether they are in need of dental treatment or are simply coming in for their regular checkup. If your child is currently in need of a dental appointment, we invite you to contact us now for more information.

Are you considering using a pediatric dentist in the Watertown area? Get more information at https://pediatric-dental-arts.com.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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