Ask a Pediatric Dentist: What Are Dental Sealants?

If you have children, then you may have heard about dental sealants from a pediatric dentist.

3 years ago

Children’s Dentist: Why Your Kids Need to Floss and Brush Their Teeth

You can ask the children's dentist for recommendations regarding proper dental care.

3 years ago

Pediatric Dentistry Tips – Talking to Your Child’s Dentist About Cavity Prevention

Pediatric dentistry takes a holistic approach to ensuring the oral health of young patients.

3 years ago

Preparing Your Three-Year-Old for a Pediatric Dentistry Visit

Pediatric dentistry appointments are necessary as soon as a child begins to develop their baby teeth.

3 years ago

Pediatric Dental Procedure – Pulpotomy and Baby Teeth

A pulpotomy is often necessary to save a decayed baby tooth (especially molars) from falling out early.

3 years ago

At What Age Can You Get Cosmetic Dentistry for Children?

Cosmetic dentistry for children focuses on addressing issues that affect the way that their teeth look.

3 years ago

Ask a Pediatric Dentist: Why Do My Child’s Teeth Need Crowns?

Even though many parents associate a dental crown as something only an adult would need when they are experiencing problems…

4 years ago

We Make it Easy to Schedule a Kids Dental Cleaning in Watertown

Ensuring that kids have their bi-annual checkup with their dentist is very important even at an early age.

4 years ago

Pediatric Dentistry Treatments: Dental Sealant

According to the American Dental Association, sealants have been shown to reduce the risk of decay by nearly 80% in…

4 years ago

What is a Baby Root Canal?

A baby root canal is not a pleasant experience for children or for their parents, but it is sometimes necessary…

4 years ago

What Is Pedodontics?

Since pediatric dentists are trained in oral care for children, they look for developmental issues.

4 years ago

Kids’ Cavity Treatment Options

When it comes to understanding the ideal cavity treatment for kids who have one or more cavities, making an appointment…

4 years ago